Sunday, June 06, 2010
Norbert Hirschhorn
For my brick comes from clay and returns to dust.
For it was an instrument of empires: Babylon, Rome.
For it enslaved Hebrews building Pithom and Ramses.
For my brick wills itself to be an arch.
For my brick is of the guild of builders.
For it builds bookshelves to hold Hesse and Gibran.
For it is a breaker of windows by anarchists’ arms.
For it makes a pendulum attached to plain string.
For it plumbs the depth of wells.
For my brick scrapes dogshit off the soles of my shoes.
For it saves water when flushing a toilet.
For it serves as hammer when no hammer’s to hand.
For it stops a screen door swingeing on its hinge.
For when stamped by name it proclaims suzerainty.
For it stops up the badger’s hole.
For it props up the gimp-leg table.
For when heated it warms my feet in winter.
For it retards my car when I change tyres.
For it holds down this poem in a stiff breeze.
For it leads Dorothy unto the Land of Oz.
For when so commanded my brick will drown kittens.
For it is a term of endearment.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Tina Cole
are poisonous, not many but
some are and who knows
which? I found these beneath
the oak tree spongy between
old roots like fallen clouds.
lost in a dark place but now
mashed along with weeds and
twigs and a small dead frog who had
never been kissed or caught up in
hallucinogenic spells. All
murdered by the Qualcast blades.
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